Sharon : George. would you mind taking care of this for me? You did such a good job last time.
George : Sure. I'll do it as soon as I can.
Sharon : Thanks ever so much. See you later.
George : Bye.

Nina : George?
George : Yeah?
Nina : What was that all about?
George : Oh! Sharon just wants me to arrange some transportation for a guest.

Nina : Ah, that's not your job.
George : She just wants me to help her occasionally.
Nina : She wants you to help her occasionally?
George : Well...
Nina : George, I don't think so. I need you 100% in this office.
George : Right.

Nina : Next time, would you please tell her that you have your own work to do?
George : I'd better do that now. But it won't be easy coming up against her southern charm.
Nina : Geroge, why don't you just use that northern charm of yours?

Would you mind ~
- 이 문장 다음에는 -ing 을 사용하여 아주 정중한 부탁을 할때 사용한다.
- Would you take care of this for me?
- Would you mind taking care of this for me?(Would you mind to take care of this for me? 는 잘못된 표현.)

ever so much
- ever 는 Thank you so much 를 더욱더 강조한 표현

What was all that about?
- What was that all about? 로도 사용이 가능하다.
- Can you please explain the meaning of it? 과 같은 의미로 사용이 가능하다.

Sharon wants me to arrange some transportation.
- Sharon wants to arrange some transportation.
: 그녀가 직접 이 일을 하기를 원한다.
- Sharon wants me to arrange some transportation.
: 그녀는 내가 그녀를 위해 그 일을 해주기를 원한다.
: She wants that I arrange 라는 표현은 사용할수 없다.
- She just wants me to help her.(that 구문이 오면 잘못된 표현)
- She wants you to help her.

I don't think so.
- think 와 believe 같은 동사는 목적어를 필요로 함.
- I think so. I believe so. I don't think so. I don't believe so.
- I think. I think it. 은 잘못된 표현

I'd better do that
- I'd better 는 '내가 ~ 하는 것이 좋을 것 같다' 라는 뜻.
- 부정문은 'Id better not(내가 ~하는 것은 바람직 하지 않다) 이다.

it won't be easy coming up against her southern charm.
- up 은 여기서 완전하게(completely)를 의미하는 부사로서 전치사 against 를 강조한다.
- Stand against the wall. ☞ Stand up against the wall.

Would you....?
- Send a fax to Hong Kong.(명령)
- 명령문에 Please 를 덧붙여 요청하는 요청문으로 바꿀수가 있다.
: Please send a fax to Hong Kong.(요청)
- Would you...? 를 사용하면 요청을 정중한 표현으로 만들수가 있다. 거기에 please 를 더하면 그 정중한 표현에서 한번 더 정중의 의미가 들어간다.
: Would you send a fax to Hong Kong?
: Would you please send a fax to Hong Kong?

I want you to...
- I want + 목적어 + to 형
- I want to send a fax.(= I will send one.)
- I want you to send a fax.(= You will send one.)

I'd like you to...
- I want you to 보다 정중한 표현.
- I'd like to send a fax.(= I will send one.)
- I'd like you to send a fax.(= You will send one.)

You'd better...
- 강한 권고, 힌트, 협박, 경고에 had better 의 축약형인 'd better 형을 사용한다.
- have to 만큼이나 강한 표현이며 형태는 인칭에 관계없다.
- I'd / You'd / He'd / She'd / It'd / We'd / They'd better
- 뒤에는 to 를 사용하지 않는다.
- You have to go straight on.
: have to는 had better 보다 더 강한의미를 내포한다. 일종의 선택권이 없다는 것을 암시한다.
- 부정문의 경우 아주 바람직하지 않음을 알려주기 위해 사용하며 형태는 You'd better not.. 의 형태이다.
- We can't turn left.
: can't 역시 had better not 보다 더 강한 표현이며, 역시 일종의 선택권이 없음을 암시한다.

Sharon came to George for her work. George didn't refuse Sharon's request. Because, it won't be easy coming up against Sharon's southern charm. Nina watched this situation, then said, "What was that all about?"
George said Sharon just wants George to help her occasionally Nina complained that she needs George 100% in her office. Nina cautioned George that he may not do such a action.
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아무거나 공부하자!!! by Young79



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