1. I(He / She) was working.(wasn't working.)
We(You / They) were working.(weren't working.)
: 과거진행형일경우, was / were 혹은 wasn't / weren't + 동사 ing의 형태를 사용한다.
2. What was(were) he(she / you, they) doing?
: 의문문일 경우 주어와 동사의 위치는 was / were 와 동사 ing 사이의 들어간다.
3. Sullivanwas working when lightning hit him.
I cut my finger while I was making a sandwich.
The telephone rang while I was watching TV.
: 과거 진행형과 단순과거를 함께 사용하는 경우가 많다.
: 과거 진행형은 행동과 상황에 대한 배경을 좀더 추가적으로 서술해야 할경우 사용한다.
: 단순 과거는 갑잡스레 행동이나 상황을 막아버리는 일을 짧게 서술할때 사용한다.
4. I was sleeping when my alarm went off.
Sullivan was getting out his truck when lightning hit him.
: 갑작스런 상황을 이야기할때는 when 을 주로 사용한다.
5. My father hurt his knee while he was playing soccer.
While he was cooking dinner, the stove caught on fire.
: while 다음에는 주로 과거 진행형을 사용한다.
: while 의 의미는 "무슨 일을 하는 시간 동안에" 이다.
: 형식적으로 말할때, 때때로 while 자리에 when 을 사용하기도 한다.
6. A : What were you doing at 8:00 last night?
B : I was talking on the phone.
A : Who were you talking to?
B : I was talking to my grandmother.
: 과거에 구체적인 시간에 발생한 일에 대해 질문하거나 말할때도 과거 진행형을 사용한다.
I was playing tennis whe I fell and hurt my knee.
I was having dinner when my friend called.
I was watching TV when I heard a loud noise outside my window.
I saw a car accident while I was walking to school.
The doorbell rang while I was taking a bath.
I cut my finger while I was making a sandwich.
My brother hurt his back while he was playing tennis.
I burned my finger while I was cooking dinner.
My teacher sprained his ankle while he was playing basketball.
My friend was riding a horse when she fell and hit her head.
I was walking to school when I slipped on the ice and broke my arm.
My sister was going down an escalator when she fell and hurt her knee.
I broke my leg while I was beating from woman.
I bruised my arm while I was snowboading.
I hurt my arm while I was hitting the door.
I hurt my back while I was slipping on ice.
I burned my finger while I was playing with fire.
I sprained my ankle while I was running for riding a bus.
We(You / They) were working.(weren't working.)
: 과거진행형일경우, was / were 혹은 wasn't / weren't + 동사 ing의 형태를 사용한다.
2. What was(were) he(she / you, they) doing?
: 의문문일 경우 주어와 동사의 위치는 was / were 와 동사 ing 사이의 들어간다.
3. Sullivan
I cut my finger while I was making a sandwich.
The telephone rang while I was watching TV.
: 과거 진행형과 단순과거를 함께 사용하는 경우가 많다.
: 과거 진행형은 행동과 상황에 대한 배경을 좀더 추가적으로 서술해야 할경우 사용한다.
: 단순 과거는 갑잡스레 행동이나 상황을 막아버리는 일을 짧게 서술할때 사용한다.
4. I was sleeping when my alarm went off.
Sullivan was getting out his truck when lightning hit him.
: 갑작스런 상황을 이야기할때는 when 을 주로 사용한다.
5. My father hurt his knee while he was playing soccer.
While he was cooking dinner, the stove caught on fire.
: while 다음에는 주로 과거 진행형을 사용한다.
: while 의 의미는 "무슨 일을 하는 시간 동안에" 이다.
: 형식적으로 말할때, 때때로 while 자리에 when 을 사용하기도 한다.
6. A : What were you doing at 8:00 last night?
B : I was talking on the phone.
A : Who were you talking to?
B : I was talking to my grandmother.
: 과거에 구체적인 시간에 발생한 일에 대해 질문하거나 말할때도 과거 진행형을 사용한다.
I was playing tennis whe I fell and hurt my knee.
I was having dinner when my friend called.
I was watching TV when I heard a loud noise outside my window.
I saw a car accident while I was walking to school.
The doorbell rang while I was taking a bath.
I cut my finger while I was making a sandwich.
My brother hurt his back while he was playing tennis.
I burned my finger while I was cooking dinner.
My teacher sprained his ankle while he was playing basketball.
My friend was riding a horse when she fell and hit her head.
I was walking to school when I slipped on the ice and broke my arm.
My sister was going down an escalator when she fell and hurt her knee.
I broke my leg while I was beating from woman.
I bruised my arm while I was snowboading.
I hurt my arm while I was hitting the door.
I hurt my back while I was slipping on ice.
I burned my finger while I was playing with fire.
I sprained my ankle while I was running for riding a bus.