'a bit of a puzzle'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2006.01.24 [English] Direct English - Education

Mr. Bigelow : This is just what I needed.
Simon : It is a lovely park, isn't it?
Mr. Bigelow : So tell me, Simon, how did you wind up here - a restaurant anager in Boston?
Simon : Ah! Well, that's a bit of a puzzle to me, as well.

Mr. Bigelow : Was your training in restaurants?
Simon : Oh no! After primary and secondary schools I went to university. Manchester. Modern languages.

Mr. Bigelow : That's a lot of tests.
Simon : Oh yes, I passed all kinds of exams.
Mr. Bigelow : I was never any good at taking tests. I barely got through elementary school.

Mr. Bigelow : High school was worse. And it was years before I went to college. And I didn't do very well there either, I'm afraid.
Simon : Oh, I did well, but there was something missing.

Simon : At the end of the day, I wanted experience that was...
Mr. Bigelow : Hands-on.
Simon : Exactly.
Mr. Bigelow : Find out the way it works in the real world.
Simon : Yes.

Mr. Bigelow : So you got a job!
Simon : No. I went back to business school for management studies.
Mr. Bigelow : More tests!

tell me
- tell 뒤에는 간접 목적어를 사용할수 있지만, say 뒤에는 사용할수 없다. say me 는 잘못된 표현.

wind up
- 숙어적인 표현으로 = end up = became
- 이런 상황이 되다 라는 의미

a bit of a puzzle
- 'a bit of' + 비추상명사 : a piece of 의 뜻
- 'a bit of' + 추상명사 : rather, something of a 의 뜻

I went to university.
- university 는 원래의 목적을 말할때 관사 없이 사용하는 몇가지 명사중 하나이다.
- I went to university / to college.(공부하기 위해)
- I went to school.(배우러)
- They put me in hospital.(아프기 때문에)
- I went to bed.(잠자기 위해)

a lot of tests
- 이런 긍정 평서문에서는 many 는 절대로 사용하지 않는다.
- 긍정평서문에서 복수 가산 명사 또는 불가산 명사와 함께 a lot of 를 사용 : a lot of time.

I was never any good
- any 는 at all 의 의미로 사용된다.
- I wasn't at all good at..... I was not good at.....

I barely got through
- 성공하다의 의미로 동사구 get through 를 사용
- 일반적인 의미의 노력이 들다를 의미.
- I didn't have my key, so I got though the window.(힘들게 들어갔다.)

it was years before I went to college
- Many years passed before I was able to go to college.

- 실제의, 실제훈련 이라는 의미의 숙어

many, much
- much : 불가산 명사
- There isn't much work here. There's more work in the north.
- many : 주로 부정문과 의문문에서 복수 가산 명사와 같이 사용
- There aren't many jobs here. There are more jobs in the north.

good at / bad at
- good 과 bad 뒤에는 in 이 아닌 at 을 사용
- I did very well > I did well > I did fairly well > I did badly. > I did very badly.
- I was very good at ... > I was good at ... > I was fairly / pretty good at ... > I was pretty bad at ... > I was very bad at ...
- 임무수행을 나타내는 표현들 위에 표현은 일반적인 평가이며, 아래 표현은 특정한 평가를 말한다.

passing exams
- 전치사 뒤에는 동사의 -ing 형을 사용한다.
- good at passing

It was my best subject.
- It was the subject I performed best in.
- It was my favorite subject = It was the subject I liked best.

I played hooky.
- 부모님의 동의없이 학교에 무단 결석한다는 뜻의 관용어구.

I suppose
- 생각하는 것을 말로 표현할 때 종종 I suppose 로 문장을 시작하거나 끝낸다.

Mr.Bigelow wants to know how Simon winded up as a restaurant manager in Boston, but Simon doesn't know. It's a mystery. Simon went to university at Manchester, his major modern language. He studied well, but he wanted experience that was hands-on. So He went back to business school for management studies.

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아무거나 공부하자!!! by Young79



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