1. Wendy's a quick learner. She learns quickly.
2. Dean likes healthy food. He eats healthily.
3. NuLa is a fast worker. She works fast.
4. I did very badly at school.
5. I was bad at math.
6. I was good at answering questions.


awful : 심한, 대단한, 지독한
hands-on : 실제 경험하는 행위.
barely : 간신히, 겨우, 거의~ 않다.
legally : 법률적으로
on the whole : 대개, 대체로, 전체적으로, 일반적으로
politely : 공손히, 예의바르게
geography : 지리학
physicist : 물리학자
report card : 성적표
schoolwork : 학업, 학교공부
a bit of (a) : 조금, 작은
get through : 마치다, 끝내다(= complete)
play hooky : (학교 수업등을) 농땡이치다.
wind up : (= end up)


1. How did you do at school, Anne?
2. I was very good at math. I did bery well at it.
3. I was very bad at history. I did very badly at it.
4. I was very good at answering questions.
5. Which was your worst subject?
6. Being a chef is a hard job. Jarmusch works hard.
7. Anne has expensive clothes. She dresses expensively.
8. Dean likes healthy food. He eats healthily.
9. 형용사에서 규칙 부사형을 만드는 방법은 형용사에서 -ly나 -ily를 더해 만든다.
10. hard, fast, early, late 등의 부사는 불규칙이다.


1. Dean tells us Anne's a wonderful boss.
2. Dean says Anne's a wonderful boss.
3. say 와 tell 뒤에 보통 that 은 생략이 가능하다.
4. say 뒤에는 직접 전달할 내용이, tell 뒤에는 간접목적어가 나온다.


mean : 사악한
though : ~이지만.(= however)
snob : 속물.
figure : 숫자, 자릿수, 계산


1. Dean says (that) Anne's a wonderful boss.
2. Dean tells me Anne's a wonderful boss.
3. Anne's a wonderful boss. That's what Dean said.
4. "I got good reports at school." What did Anne say?
5. "I got good reports at school." What did Anne tell you?
6. Kevin told me he was lazy and he played hookey.
7. Dean thinks Kevin is a great guy.
8. "I'm the head housekeeper," Nu La said.
9. Anne says Dean is the best intern they have ever had.
10. Simon is a restaurant manager.


1. Would you do me a favor please?
2. Would you mind doing me a favor please?
3. Sure. I'll do it as soon as I can.
4. She wants me to send a fax for her.
5. You'd better turn right.
6. You'd better not turn left.


transportation : 수송, 운송
come up against : ~에 반하다.


1. Please send a fax to Hong Kong.
2. Would you please send a fax to Hong Kong.
3. Would you mind sending a fax to Hong Kong please?
4. I want you to send a fax to Hong Kong.
5. I'd like you to send a fax to Hong Kong for me.
6. It's a one-way street. You had better go right.
7. It's a one-way street. We'd better go right.
8. It's a one-way street. We'd better not go left.
9. "You'd better"라고 말할때는 선택의 여지가 없음을 나타낸다.
10. Would you do me a favor please?
Mr. Bigelow : This is just what I needed.
Simon : It is a lovely park, isn't it?
Mr. Bigelow : So tell me, Simon, how did you wind up here - a restaurant anager in Boston?
Simon : Ah! Well, that's a bit of a puzzle to me, as well.

Mr. Bigelow : Was your training in restaurants?
Simon : Oh no! After primary and secondary schools I went to university. Manchester. Modern languages.

Mr. Bigelow : That's a lot of tests.
Simon : Oh yes, I passed all kinds of exams.
Mr. Bigelow : I was never any good at taking tests. I barely got through elementary school.

Mr. Bigelow : High school was worse. And it was years before I went to college. And I didn't do very well there either, I'm afraid.
Simon : Oh, I did well, but there was something missing.

Simon : At the end of the day, I wanted experience that was...
Mr. Bigelow : Hands-on.
Simon : Exactly.
Mr. Bigelow : Find out the way it works in the real world.
Simon : Yes.

Mr. Bigelow : So you got a job!
Simon : No. I went back to business school for management studies.
Mr. Bigelow : More tests!

tell me
- tell 뒤에는 간접 목적어를 사용할수 있지만, say 뒤에는 사용할수 없다. say me 는 잘못된 표현.

wind up
- 숙어적인 표현으로 = end up = became
- 이런 상황이 되다 라는 의미

a bit of a puzzle
- 'a bit of' + 비추상명사 : a piece of 의 뜻
- 'a bit of' + 추상명사 : rather, something of a 의 뜻

I went to university.
- university 는 원래의 목적을 말할때 관사 없이 사용하는 몇가지 명사중 하나이다.
- I went to university / to college.(공부하기 위해)
- I went to school.(배우러)
- They put me in hospital.(아프기 때문에)
- I went to bed.(잠자기 위해)

a lot of tests
- 이런 긍정 평서문에서는 many 는 절대로 사용하지 않는다.
- 긍정평서문에서 복수 가산 명사 또는 불가산 명사와 함께 a lot of 를 사용 : a lot of time.

I was never any good
- any 는 at all 의 의미로 사용된다.
- I wasn't at all good at..... I was not good at.....

I barely got through
- 성공하다의 의미로 동사구 get through 를 사용
- 일반적인 의미의 노력이 들다를 의미.
- I didn't have my key, so I got though the window.(힘들게 들어갔다.)

it was years before I went to college
- Many years passed before I was able to go to college.

- 실제의, 실제훈련 이라는 의미의 숙어

many, much
- much : 불가산 명사
- There isn't much work here. There's more work in the north.
- many : 주로 부정문과 의문문에서 복수 가산 명사와 같이 사용
- There aren't many jobs here. There are more jobs in the north.

good at / bad at
- good 과 bad 뒤에는 in 이 아닌 at 을 사용
- I did very well > I did well > I did fairly well > I did badly. > I did very badly.
- I was very good at ... > I was good at ... > I was fairly / pretty good at ... > I was pretty bad at ... > I was very bad at ...
- 임무수행을 나타내는 표현들 위에 표현은 일반적인 평가이며, 아래 표현은 특정한 평가를 말한다.

passing exams
- 전치사 뒤에는 동사의 -ing 형을 사용한다.
- good at passing

It was my best subject.
- It was the subject I performed best in.
- It was my favorite subject = It was the subject I liked best.

I played hooky.
- 부모님의 동의없이 학교에 무단 결석한다는 뜻의 관용어구.

I suppose
- 생각하는 것을 말로 표현할 때 종종 I suppose 로 문장을 시작하거나 끝낸다.

Mr.Bigelow wants to know how Simon winded up as a restaurant manager in Boston, but Simon doesn't know. It's a mystery. Simon went to university at Manchester, his major modern language. He studied well, but he wanted experience that was hands-on. So He went back to business school for management studies.

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아무거나 공부하자!!! by Young79



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