Nina : When are you going on your next trip?
Anne: Pretty soon. It'll be to the Czech Repubilc.
Nina : Oh, I'm dying to go to Central Europe.

Anne: I'm looking forward to it, but it will be so much work.
Nina : Why?
Anne: Jim Bigelow wants the company's hotel in Prague to develop a marketing plan just like ours.
Nina : Wow, great.
Anne: In three months.
Nina : That is a lot of work.

Nina : Anne, if I can do anything to help, please let me know.
Anne: I will.
Nina : And next time, take me with you. I want to sit in a cafe in the Old Town Square.
Anne: That is my favorite thing to do.

Nina : And I hear there's great jazz.
Anne: Oh, yes.
Nina : And serious shopping. Crystal...
Anne: I'll pick some up for you, if you like..
Nina : Antique glass... Embroidery... I've seen lovely china from there.
Anne: Nina, it'll be much easier if you just come along.

When are you going on your next trip?
- be going to : ~할 예정이다.
- Anne is going to the Czech Republic pretty soon.
- going to 와 go 와 결합하여 사용할수 있음
- Anne is going to go to the Czech Republic pretty soon.

I'm dying to go
- I'm dying to (do something) 은 어떤 것을 너무너무 하고 싶어 죽을 지경이라는 뜻

I'm looking forward to it.
- look forward to : 즐겁게 기대하다.
- it 부분에 종종 -ing 를 사용하기도 한다.
- I'm looking forward to visiting Prague.

in three month. in the Old Town Square.
- in + 기간, 장소임을 주의.

it'll be much easier.
- very + 형용사의 원급 : It's very easy.
- much, a lot + 비교급 : much easier

How long did it take you to...? / How long will it take me to...?
- 기간에 대해서 말할때, 혹은 질문할때, 과거와 미래에 사용하는 문장(얼마나 오래 걸렸었나? 걸릴것 같으냐?)
- 대답들
: I checked out in a couple of minutes.
: I changed some money in only ten minutes.
: I drove to New York in seven hours.
: I got to the airport in half an hout.
: It took me a couple of minutes to check out.
: It took a couple of minutes to check out.

When...? - In a minute.
- in a minute / in ten minutes / in an hour / in two hours / in a day / in three days / in a week / in two weeks / in a month / in two months / in a year / in two years

Nina and Anne talked about Anne's business trip. Anne is going to go to the Czech Republic. Nina hoped to go there with Anne. Anne said she will have so much work. Because Anne has to develop a marketing plan for the company's hotel in Prague in three months. But Nina wants to go to there. She hopes to sit in a cafe in the Old Town Square, and hopes to hear great jazz, and wants to do some serious shopping.
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아무거나 공부하자!!! by Young79



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