[English] Unit 2 Direct and Indirect Questions
2006. 1. 15. 23:45
1. Where do they live?
What does a red ribbon mean?
: 직접 의문문은 주어 전에 동사가 온다.
: 위의 예같은 경우엔 do 와 does 의 동사가 앞에 등장.
Do you know where they live?
Do you know what a red ribbon means?
: 간접 의문문은 동사 전에 주어가 온다.
: Wh 의문문 다음에는 do 나 does 가 쓰이지 않는다.
2. Do you remember where they live?
Does anyone know what a red ribbon means?
: 간접의문문은 Do you know...? 나 Do you remember...? 와 같은 구문으로 시작한다.
3. Do you know if a four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck in Ireland?(Yse, it is.)
Do you know if olive branches are a symbol of peace?(Yes, they are.)
: 단지 Yes 나 No 의 답을 원한다면 간접의문문에서 if 를 사용한다.
4. Do you know what the national symbol of France is?(Yes .It's a rooster.)
Do you know what color the United Natons flag is?(Yes, It's blue.)
: Wh- 를 쓴 간접의문문에 대한 답을 알고 있을 경우, Yes 라 답한다음, 질문에 대한 정보를 이야기 해야 한다.
5. Do you know what the capital of Sweden is?
Do you know what the Swedish flag looks like?
: 간접의문문은 응답자가 답변을 알고 있을것 같은 확신이 서지 않을경우 자주 사용한다.
: 이러한 방법은 사람을 난처하게 만들지 않을때 사용한다.
6. Can you tell me how much a ticket costs?
Could you please tell me where the post office is?
Excuse me. Do you know what time it is?
: 또한 간접의문문은 예의있게 정보를 묻거나, 도움을 요청할때 사용할수도 있다.
Where's my book?
☞ Do you know where my book is?
What does eternal mean?
☞ Do you know what eternal mean?
What do the Olympic rings represent?
☞ Do you remember what the Olympic rings represent?
How many stars are on the flag of Singapore?
☞ Do you remember how many stars are on the flag of Singapore?
Where is Jamaica?
☞ Do you know where Jamaica is?
What does the Canadian flag look like?
☞ Do you know what the Canadian flag looks like?
What is the national symbol of Canada?
☞ Do you know what the national symbol of Canada is?
When did British Columbia become a Canadian privince?
☞ Do you know when British Columbia became a Canadian privince?
Who is the prime minister of Canada?
☞ Do you know who the prime minister of Canada is?
Is Canada a democracy?
☞ Do you know if Canada is a democracy?
A : Do you know where this money is from?
B : Yes. It's from Korea.
A: Do you know whose picture is on it?
B : Of course. That's King Sejong.
A : I see. When did he become a king?
B : In the 15th century. He was very famous.
A : Really? Do you know why he was famous?
B : He invented the Korean alphabet.
A : The king invented the alphabet! That's amazing!
What does a red ribbon mean?
: 직접 의문문은 주어 전에 동사가 온다.
: 위의 예같은 경우엔 do 와 does 의 동사가 앞에 등장.
Do you know where they live?
Do you know what a red ribbon means?
: 간접 의문문은 동사 전에 주어가 온다.
: Wh 의문문 다음에는 do 나 does 가 쓰이지 않는다.
2. Do you remember where they live?
Does anyone know what a red ribbon means?
: 간접의문문은 Do you know...? 나 Do you remember...? 와 같은 구문으로 시작한다.
3. Do you know if a four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck in Ireland?(Yse, it is.)
Do you know if olive branches are a symbol of peace?(Yes, they are.)
: 단지 Yes 나 No 의 답을 원한다면 간접의문문에서 if 를 사용한다.
4. Do you know what the national symbol of France is?(Yes .It's a rooster.)
Do you know what color the United Natons flag is?(Yes, It's blue.)
: Wh- 를 쓴 간접의문문에 대한 답을 알고 있을 경우, Yes 라 답한다음, 질문에 대한 정보를 이야기 해야 한다.
5. Do you know what the capital of Sweden is?
Do you know what the Swedish flag looks like?
: 간접의문문은 응답자가 답변을 알고 있을것 같은 확신이 서지 않을경우 자주 사용한다.
: 이러한 방법은 사람을 난처하게 만들지 않을때 사용한다.
6. Can you tell me how much a ticket costs?
Could you please tell me where the post office is?
Excuse me. Do you know what time it is?
: 또한 간접의문문은 예의있게 정보를 묻거나, 도움을 요청할때 사용할수도 있다.
Where's my book?
☞ Do you know where my book is?
What does eternal mean?
☞ Do you know what eternal mean?
What do the Olympic rings represent?
☞ Do you remember what the Olympic rings represent?
How many stars are on the flag of Singapore?
☞ Do you remember how many stars are on the flag of Singapore?
Where is Jamaica?
☞ Do you know where Jamaica is?
What does the Canadian flag look like?
☞ Do you know what the Canadian flag looks like?
What is the national symbol of Canada?
☞ Do you know what the national symbol of Canada is?
When did British Columbia become a Canadian privince?
☞ Do you know when British Columbia became a Canadian privince?
Who is the prime minister of Canada?
☞ Do you know who the prime minister of Canada is?
Is Canada a democracy?
☞ Do you know if Canada is a democracy?
A : Do you know where this money is from?
B : Yes. It's from Korea.
A: Do you know whose picture is on it?
B : Of course. That's King Sejong.
A : I see. When did he become a king?
B : In the 15th century. He was very famous.
A : Really? Do you know why he was famous?
B : He invented the Korean alphabet.
A : The king invented the alphabet! That's amazing!